The holiday season is the perfect time for companies to show appreciation for their employees and celebrate the year’s successes. Whether your team is working remotely or in the office, planning a memorable holiday party is key to boosting morale and fostering a sense of community. From Rockoly’s virtual cooking classes to engaging HH Murder Mystery events and elegant wine tastings, there are numerous creative and fun company holiday party ideas to explore.

Virtual Cooking Classes with Rockoly: A Festive and Flavorful Experience

One fantastic way to bring your team together is through a virtual cooking class. Rockoly offers holiday-themed cooking experiences, including making a Chocolate Holiday Tree, which can be a unique addition to your company holiday party.

Virtual Holiday Cooking Party

The Chocolate Holiday Tree: A Sweet Team Activity

  • Interactive and Fun: Teams can enjoy creating a Chocolate Holiday Tree together, an activity that’s both fun and interactive.
  • Festive Spirit: This cooking class gets everyone in the holiday mood, sharing laughs and culinary tips.
  • Team Bonding: Cooking together, even virtually, fosters teamwork and strengthens bonds.

HH Murder Mystery: Add a Twist of Intrigue to Your Party

For teams that enjoy a bit of drama and detective work, an HH Murder Mystery event can be an exciting choice.

  • Engaging and Thought-Provoking: Solving a mystery together keeps everyone engaged and encourages teamwork.
  • Unique Entertainment: This unique form of entertainment can be a refreshing change from traditional holiday parties.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Participants get to sharpen their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in a fun environment.

Wine Tasting: Sophistication and Socialization

A virtual wine tasting is an elegant way to bring the team together. It’s perfect for teams that appreciate finer things and enjoy relaxed, sophisticated socializing.

  • Educational Experience: Learn about different wines, which can be both enjoyable and educational.
  • Encourages Conversation: Tasting and discussing wines provides an excellent opportunity for team members to socialize in a relaxed setting.
  • Sensory Engagement: Engaging the senses with wine tasting creates a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Traditional In-Person Company Holiday Party Ideas

While virtual events are fantastic, traditional in-person parties still hold their charm. Here are some ideas to consider:

Themed Holiday Party

Choose a theme for your holiday party, such as a Winter Wonderland, 1920s Glamour, or a Holiday Sweater Party. A theme can add excitement and give direction for decorations, activities, and attire.

Office Decoration Contest

Encourage departments or teams to decorate their workspaces. This creates a festive atmosphere in the office and sparks creativity and teamwork.

Secret Santa or White Elephant Gift Exchange

These gift exchanges are a staple of holiday parties. They’re fun, foster a sense of giving, and can be done with minimal expense.

Hybrid Company Holiday Party Ideas

For companies with both remote and on-site employees, hybrid holiday parties can be inclusive and engaging for everyone.

Simultaneous In-Person and Virtual Events

Host an in-person party while setting up a virtual connection for remote team members. Include activities that both groups can participate in, like trivia quizzes or live performances.

Holiday Photo Challenge

Create a holiday-themed photo challenge where both remote and on-site employees can participate and share their photos in a virtual gallery.

Planning and Execution: Tips for a Successful Holiday Party

Understand Your Team’s Preferences

Before deciding on the type of party, understand what your team enjoys. Sending out a pre-party survey can help gauge interests and preferences.

Budget Planning

Plan your budget in advance. Be mindful of the costs associated with your chosen activities, catering, and decorations.

Early Planning

Start planning early, especially if you need to book vendors or order supplies. This ensures everything is in place and reduces last-minute stress.


Make sure your party is inclusive, catering to all employees’ tastes and dietary restrictions. This is especially important for food and drink-related events.

Emphasize Team Building

Whatever activity you choose, ensure it has elements of team building and encourages employee interaction.

Measuring the Success of Your Holiday Party

Post-event feedback is crucial. Ask employees what they enjoyed and what could be improved for future events. Consider factors like overall participation, the atmosphere of the event, and employee engagement.

For Dessert

A well-planned company holiday party can significantly contribute to employee satisfaction and team cohesion. Whether it’s a virtual cooking class with Rockoly, an HH Murder Mystery event, a sophisticated wine tasting, or a traditional in-person gathering, the options are limitless. The key is to understand your team’s dynamics and choose activities that will be enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

Misha Gorman

Misha Gorman

Misha Gorman is the passionate Co-Founder of Rockoly, dedicated to helping Managers, HR, Executive Assistants, and Owners plan engaging culinary and happy hour team-building events. Since January 2020, Misha has leveraged his love for food and team building to create memorable virtual, in-office, and in-person experiences. Under his leadership, Rockoly has successfully engaged over 50,000 team members, achieving a notable 10% boost in employee engagement.